Saturday, November 6, 2010

past, present and future.

its nice to be able to talk about the past. without having fights and arguments. though it certainly changed my impression a little.

yet no one is perfect. not even me.

so its ok. the past is to teach you. learn from it but dont dwell upon in the present. its called present cause it is a gift each day that you live. look forward to the future as it gives you a reason to go on fighting and to do your best.

dear god, i pray that you will give me the courage, strength and wisdom as i take each step. lead me to the right path as i want to be closer to you each day. bless my relationships with my friends and family. and with my special beloved. thank you god for everything that you have given to me. amen.

love you always my dear and i hope you'll always love me too.

XOXO. <3 <3

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